This guide covers the basic setup process.

After you've purchased and installed the blog template, it will automatically be added to your HubSpot account. 

You can find your template in Marketing > Files and Templates > Design Tools.

In the left sidebar search the name of the template you've purchased to find it easily.

Step 1)

Before you make any changes to the templates, first make sure to clone everything to keep the original files intact.

Let's clone the template by right-clicking and clicking "Clone template"

Next, find the style-sheet and clone it too. 

Please make sure to rename both of these files so it's easier to find them later.

Step 2)

To start using your new templates you need to replace the default blog template with the new one. To change your blog template, follow the steps below:

a) Go to your Settings by clicking on the gear icon on top right of your navigation bar.

b) Now select Marketing > Blog and go to the "Templates" tab

Step 3)

At the top of the page, under 'Select a blog to modify,' select the blog that you'd like to change the template for within the drop down menu.

- If you don't have a blog simply click on Create new blog and make one.

Step 4)

Scroll down to the 'Template for blog posts' section and select Awwal Blog Post from the drop down.

Now uncheck the box that says "Use same template for blog listing pages" and select Awwal Blog Listing from the drop down.

Step 5)

Now let's check how our blog is coming along!

Go to Marketing > Website > Blog

Select the blog from the drop down and simply click View blog

Your Topics and previous articles should automatically be moved to the new template. 

You are done with the basic setup.