Method 1: Google Fonts

All of our blog templates use Google fonts library so the user can easily change their fonts.

Step 1)

Go to and find your desired font.

Step 2)

Click on the plus icon to the right of the font name.

Step 3)

Click on the 1 Family selected bar at the bottom of your screen.

Step 4)

Under Embed Tab section, Copy Standard code as shown below.

Step 5)

Now open your template by going to Marketing > Files and Templates > Design Tools

Step 6)

In the right sidebar you'll see Additional Header Markup box. Click Expand

Step 7)

Paste that code here and replace the previous font code.

Step 8)

Now go back to the Google fonts page and copy the name of your font.

Step 9)

Open the template's stylesheet and go to line 8.

We've added two variables here to make your a life little bit easier. Let's break those variables down.

  • heading_font_familyAdd name of your font in this variable to change Heading fonts in this template. (H1 to H6)
  • body_text_font_family: Add name of your secondary font in this variable to change secondary fonts in this template. (Paragraphs, Lists etc.)

Method 2: Custom Fonts

If you have a font that can be legally used on the web, You can use Web Fonts Generator tools like Font Squirrel's converter tool to generate web fonts. Follow the step below to implement your custom fonts into the template.

Step 1)

Once you've generated the fonts and downloaded the files, Go to the to Marketing > Files and Templates > Files and upload all your fonts

Step 2)

Click on the file from your file manager dashboard, then click Copy URL to get the URL of the font to add to your stylesheet.

Step 3)

Now open your template's stylesheet by going to the Marketing > Files and Templates > Design Tools

Step 4)

Now paste this code at the top of your stylesheet. Don't forget to replace 'Your Font Name' to your actual font name and under src: url enter URL that you copied from the File manager.

@font-face { font-family: 'Your Font Name';  src: url('your_font_file.eot?') format('eot'), url('your_font_file.woff') format('woff'), url('your_font_file.ttf') format('truetype');}

Step 5)

Now at the top of your stylesheet, these two variables heading_font_family  and body_text_font_family and enter your font name.